The Art of Giving

The Art of Giving
The Art of Giving

“Giving is better than receiving”

Social psychologist Liz Dunn and her colleagues ran an experiment which was published in Journal Science. Dunn and her colleagues gave the students at the University of British Columbia an envelope that contains money that they can spend it on themselves or spend it on others. They find out people spend on others are happier than the one that spends on themselves.

Dunn and her colleagues gave the students at the University of British Columbia an envelope that contains money that they can spend it on themselves or spend it on others.

Breaking news: people who spend on others are happier than the one that spends on themselves.

You can do the same for others. Give them the money that you plan to buy a gift and ask them to spend it on others.

Donate your time by packing groceries or buying food supplies for those in need, help others run errands or help support your favorite organization.

I really hope these tips help you to get the perfect gift that they will love. And, of course, you can also try our gift guide to find a unique gift for your loved one.